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Advice to business owners from business owners: Brent & Lyn Trail

From time to time we speak to our clients and glean some information that may be helpful to others. The business owners have good success and always provide some valuable tips based on our five questions we asked.

The latest session was with Brent & Lyn Trail, from Surveying Services in the Bay of Plenty, and we're sure you will agree there are some valuable messages to be heard.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below!

  1. What's the best advice you have ever received as a business owner?
  2. Don't be afraid to lift your price!

  3. What's the best advice you would give another business owner?

    Take professional advice and get a good Team around you!

  4. What has been your proudest moment in Business?
  5. Employing my first licensed surveyor.

  6. What methods do you use to cope with Business Stress?
  7. Exercise, eating well and taking a break before I need one!

  8. What made you want to be a business owner rather than an employee's?
  9. More control of our destiny - we can do this ourselves!
    Opportunity to prioritise family time now rather than later.
    Flexibility - working from home.